There will be no 5 minute limit here because sentiment can't be limited to 5 minutes.
I volunteered at a climbing competition in Richmond today. My husband was competing and I was there to see my friends - oops I mean to do registration and help with scoring.
We became a part of this climbing community over the years when my daughter was a junior competitive climber. The parents helped out at competitions and in the process of working together to support our kids, friendships were formed. My daughter is no longer competing as she juggles school and work and managing injuries, but our connection to the climbing community endures.
I find myself still being a part of this community because over the years these people have become my friends. As climbing has evolved in the Lower Mainland, climbers have moved on to different gyms and coaches have moved on too. Yet when we all meet at a competition, the warmth of genuine friendship prevails and everyone is so happy to reconnect again. The delight of walking into a room with so many people that you're so happy to see is only compounded when they seem so genuinely happy to see you too.
We've been around long enough to watch so many kids grow up into adults that give me great hope for our future. The best part is seeing these adults now coaching and mentoring little kids who are new to climbing. These new kids bring along their enthusiastic parents who are excited to support their kids and in doing so, support climbing.
I'm excited about the future of this sport, and I am so grateful to be a part of this climbing community.
There will be no 5 minute limit here because sentiment can't be limited to 5 minutes.
I volunteered at a climbing competition in Richmond today. My husband was competing and I was there to see my friends - oops I mean to do registration and help with scoring.
We became a part of this climbing community over the years when my daughter was a junior competitive climber. The parents helped out at competitions and in the process of working together to support our kids, friendships were formed. My daughter is no longer competing as she juggles school and work and managing injuries, but our connection to the climbing community endures.
I find myself still being a part of this community because over the years these people have become my friends. As climbing has evolved in the Lower Mainland, climbers have moved on to different gyms and coaches have moved on too. Yet when we all meet at a competition, the warmth of genuine friendship prevails and everyone is so happy to reconnect again. The delight of walking into a room with so many people that you're so happy to see is only compounded when they seem so genuinely happy to see you too.
We've been around long enough to watch so many kids grow up into adults that give me great hope for our future. The best part is seeing these adults now coaching and mentoring little kids who are new to climbing. These new kids bring along their enthusiastic parents who are excited to support their kids and in doing so, support climbing.
I'm excited about the future of this sport, and I am so grateful to be a part of this climbing community.
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