The Value of Time


When you have a job, you're expected to be somewhere between 9 - 5 everyday. You only have two days of the week when your time is your own.

When you don't have a job - like me - all of a sudden you find you are responsible for your own time. I come downstairs by 7:30 or 8:00, make a coffee ... then what?

I have work that needs doing, but I can do it at 8:30 or 2:30.
I want to workout.
I have some errands to run.
I want to play with that new quilling kit I bought, and I'm working on that sweater for Mya
I have to write ... something ... a blog or a journal entry or something
Oh, and I have a book to read

In 6 weeks of not having a job, I've learned a new appreciation for time and am becoming more keenly aware of how quickly it slips away. Now that every minute of the day is mine to do with as I please, I am way more aware of how I use it. I guess it's a little like when you first start to earn money and how the value of money becomes more real when you work for that money.

The trick is to balance the time spent joyously with the time spent productively. When you're really really lucky, you find joy in doing what's productive.

