Now What Was I Looking For?

I have lamented before about my lack of focus and my fickleness for all the things I love in a blog post aptly titled Zero Attention Span.

So I came down to my craft table today with new washi tape in hand. I have a couple of birthdays coming up so I need to make some cards.  A few days ago I saw a beautiful watercolour card, so I started looking for the watercolour paper. How can a pad of paper just disappear?

Instead I found the origami paper - but it was just one little stack. I know I have several, so I started looking for origami paper. I ignored the beading stash, because I was focused on the origami paper.  Then I found the quilling supplies, and thought they'd make a nice card from the usual stuff I do. So I brought it out to the table.  Now where did I put the quilling pattern book - oh look, here it is right beside the Zentangle book.

Have you ever tried Zentangle? It's really fun, but of course mine never looks like the ones in the book, but I do like the doodling. If I could find my little Zentangle pad on this desk, I would share some with you.

Maybe I have some pictures on my camera. Oh goodness, just look at all these pictures that I haven't uploaded to my computer. I should just do this now, while I have time. The pictures from Girl Guide camp should probably go in a separate folder.  I can tell from the pictures I'm uploading how behind I am with my blogging.  So now I'm writing a blog post.

What's this washi tape doing here on my desk? And what did I come down here for again?

Oh this picture? Well that was this chocolate that I bought at a fancy artisan store in Toronto. I didn't like it nearly as much as I do the mint Camino, by the way.
